- Home club wins
- Ревенко Александр 9:3

{{stat.home.value}} 0 | {{stat.title}} | {{stat.away.value}} 0 |
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Funds on your balance can be used for ordering Goalstream services
Credit cards payment service
is delivered by Yandex.Dengi
Funds on your balance can be used for ordering Goalstream services
Credit cards payment service
is delivered by Yandex.Dengi
Boost your site! Get advanced features for your league site (tournaments: {{counts.champs}}) on Goalstream engine, by activating organization Premium-Account!
You`ll be able to:
{{conf["1_cat_clubs_count"].title}} | {{conf["2_cat_clubs_count"].title}} | {{conf["3_cat_clubs_count"].title}} | |
{{conf["1_cat_clubs_count"]["periods"]["2_cat_period"].title}} | {{conf["1_cat_clubs_count"]["periods"]["2_cat_period"].price/100}} RUB | {{conf["2_cat_clubs_count"]["periods"]["2_cat_period"].price/100}} RUB | {{conf["3_cat_clubs_count"]["periods"]["2_cat_period"].price/100}} RUB |
{{conf["1_cat_clubs_count"]["periods"]["3_cat_period"].title}} | {{conf["1_cat_clubs_count"]["periods"]["3_cat_period"].price/100}} RUB | {{conf["2_cat_clubs_count"]["periods"]["3_cat_period"].price/100}} RUB | {{conf["3_cat_clubs_count"]["periods"]["3_cat_period"].price/100}} RUB |
{{conf["1_cat_clubs_count"].title}} | {{conf["2_cat_clubs_count"].title}} | {{conf["3_cat_clubs_count"].title}} | |
{{conf["1_cat_clubs_count"]["discounts"]["1_cat_discount"].title}} | --- | --- | --- |
{{conf["1_cat_clubs_count"]["discounts"]["2_cat_discount"].title}} | {{conf["1_cat_clubs_count"]["discounts"]["2_cat_discount"]["rule"].min}} players | {{conf["2_cat_clubs_count"]["discounts"]["2_cat_discount"]["rule"].min}} players | {{conf["3_cat_clubs_count"]["discounts"]["2_cat_discount"]["rule"].min}} players |
{{conf["1_cat_clubs_count"]["discounts"]["3_cat_discount"].title}} | {{conf["1_cat_clubs_count"]["discounts"]["3_cat_discount"]["rule"].min}} players | {{conf["2_cat_clubs_count"]["discounts"]["3_cat_discount"]["rule"].min}} players | {{conf["3_cat_clubs_count"]["discounts"]["3_cat_discount"]["rule"].min}} players |
Invitation for match has been sent!
To invite player, state his email and/or phone number {{selectedPerson.name}}, for us to send him invitation to match.
To invite players to match, you have to state their contacts first. You can do it with no need of visiting their pages, by pressing horn icon near the player, it will open a window where you can enter contact data and send the invitation to match.
Invitations for match were sent!
Sent invitations for match to stated players?
To invite player, state his phone number {{selectedPerson.name}} — and we will send him invitation to Goalstream (login and password) via SMS! It is free!
Invitation for match sent to player`s email!
To invite player, state his email {{selectedPerson.name}} — and we will send him invitation to Goalstream!
Invitation for match sent to player`s phone by sms!
Enter player`s mobile phone {{selectedPerson.name}}.
To send invitation, you have to state {{matchTimeNotSet && _t('time') || ''}}{{matchTimeNotSet && matchStadiumNotSet ? _t(' and ') : ''}}{{matchStadiumNotSet && _t('_TO_PLAYGROUND') || ''}} match.
You want to change decision to {{ANSWER_ACCEPT == answer ? _t('i will come') : ''}}{{ANSWER_REJECT == answer ? _t('i won`t come') : ''}} to match?
You want to decide to {{ANSWER_ACCEPT == answer ? _t('i will come') : ''}}{{ANSWER_REJECT == answer ? _t('i won`t come') : ''}} for player {{selectedPerson.name}}?
You can make a decision for player when it would be less than 24 hours, if he would not make a decision by himself.
This player was already invited to Goalstream. Cost of second invitation to match will be {{smsPrice / 100}} RUB.
Cost of SMS-invitation to match will be {{smsPrice / 100}} RUB.
You can send free invitatations to match inside Goalstream website, mobile application or player`s email
Invitation to match was sent to player`s phone by sms!
In order to perform this action you must be an administrator of the . Login and become administrator!
or signup
In order to perform this action you must be an administrator of the tournament or club. Login and become administrator!
or signup in